Bathroom Hygiene, Bacteria, Bathroom, Disinfect, Drain Cleaning, Germ Prevention, Germs, Hygiene Practices, Microbes, Moisture, Sanitary Habits

As we all know, bathrooms are hotbeds for germs due to moisture, bacteria, and other microbes in the air. In a nutshell, bathrooms are like a germ paradise for all the unwanted bacteria we try to keep at bay. Join us today as your trusty Kettering Plumbing & Drain professionals spill the beans on ten eye-opening tips to keep those pesky bathroom germs in check. We’ll be sharing some hygiene hacks and habits to ensure your bathroom stays clean and hygienic. Let’s get into it! 


Before we get into our tips, let’s talk about which areas in your bathroom are most likely to be germ hotspots. These include: 

  • Your toilet seat and handle. 
  • Your sink faucets and handles. 
  • Your shower curtains and bath mats. 
  • Your towels and washcloths. 
  • Your countertops and surfaces. 


Okay, now let’s dive into the bacteria that you can find in bathrooms: 

  • E. coli  
  • Staphylococcus  
  • Salmonella  
  • Influenza virus  
  • Norovirus  

10 Eye-Opening Tips to Keep Bathroom Germs at Bay:  

Wash Your Hands as Recommended 

We all know how important it is to wash our hands properly. But don’t forget to remind everyone in your home (including young children) to scrub their hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. Following CDC guidelines, effective handwashing is a basic practice to stop germs from spreading, and this is the easiest one to enforce. 

Schedule Your Bathroom Cleanings  

Most people do not enjoy cleaning the bathroom, and we don’t blame you if you fall in this category as well. One thing you can do to help make it easier on you and keep you on track is to appoint a specific day of the week just for cleaning your bathrooms. Having a specified day for your bathroom cleanings will help you stay on top of it and get it done. Another great tip is to keep some antibacterial wipes within reach. They’re super handy for quick and easy disinfection between regular cleaning sessions, keeping those germs in check. 

Cover Your Toothbrushes 

Keep your toothbrushes covered. This helps prevent airborne bacteria from getting on them and is important for maintaining oral hygiene. Things like being close to the toilet, particles in the air when flushing, and touching with hands can lead to bacterial contamination. So, it’s best to keep them covered when not in use just to be safe. 

Flush with the Toilet Closed 

On the same note, to reduce the spread of airborne bacteria from your toilet, make it a habit to always close the toilet lid before flushing. It helps keep those germs contained and stops them from flying around the bathroom. Make sure everyone else in your household is on board with this small hygiene habit, too! 

Use Touchless Faucets 

Touchless faucets are a fantastic way to minimize surface touching. By using hands-free fixtures with motion-sensor faucets, you can help decrease the risk of cross-contamination from surface to surface. 

Disinfect Your Toilet Brushes  

Make sure to clean your toilet brush after each use. Better yet, if you use a toilet brush with disposable ends, that’s great and even better to reduce the chances of bacterial buildup. But if that’s not an option for you, just make it a habit to clean the brush after every use. Do this by simply pouring hot water and bleach over the bristle, then let it air dry propped between the toilet bowl and seat lid (to hold it up) before putting it back in the holder. 

Change or Clean Your Shower Curtains 

Showers and bathtubs hold a lot of bacteria, too. An easy way to minimize this is to switch out your shower curtains regularly or use washable fabric liners. This will greatly help to prevent the buildup of bacteria and mold. 

Try Using a Bidet  

Bidets are a great choice for a thorough and hygienic alternative. They offer a cleaner option than regular toilet paper, lowering the risk of spreading germs through hand contact. The best part? They’re reasonably priced and super easy to install yourself. 

Ventilate Your Bathroom 

Make sure you properly ventilate your bathroom after each shower or bath that is taken. Having good ventilation, like using exhaust fans or opening windows, helps reduce the moisture in the room and makes it harder for bacteria to thrive.  

Schedule a Professional Drain Cleaning 

Household drains are perfect places for germs and bacteria to reside. Naturally, all the organic matter, soap scum, and other debris hanging around make it the optimal environment for these unwelcome contaminants to thrive in. One way you can prevent those nasty bacterial and mold infestations from infiltrating your drains is by having them professionally cleaned every 1-2 years. It’s a great way to keep your plumbing system healthy, prevent clogs, and say goodbye to unwanted bacterial growth. Need more info? Just give us a call; we’d be more than happy to answer any questions for you. 

Adding these tips to your routine will help you keep fewer germs in your bathroom and reduce the chances of spreading bacteria. Good bathroom hygiene is super important for your health, keeping your home clean, and even keeping your plumbing system running smoothly. 

Call Kettering Plumbing & Drain today at (937) 764-3788, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!