Have you ever dealt with a clogged toilet right after using the bathroom? Chances are yes, as most of us have already experienced being in this situation. Although it’s a normal occurrence in the plumbing industry, it’s definitely not a pleasant one. So, what should you do in this scenario? Well, amidst the chaos of toilet water flowing over your toilet bowl and running across your bathroom floor, it’s important to not panic, breathe, and take a step back. Then follow these tips and tricks from your local Kettering Plumbing & Drain professionals.  

Step One – You Should Shut Off the Toilet’s Water Valve:       

If toilet water is spewing out of the bowl and onto your floor, the best thing you can do is to stop the water flow altogether. So, you will want to find the shut-off valve located behind the toilet. If you are not familiar with what this valve looks like, it should be a football-shaped knob. Once you have located this knob, turn it clockwise to stop the water flow. Just remember not to flush the toilet again until the issue is fully resolved. 

Step Two – You Should Make Sure the Flapper Is Closed:       

As an additional way of stopping the water from entering the toilet bowl, you can ensure the flapper is sealed by following these steps: 1) Open the back tank. 2) Locate the rubber seal that stops the water flow when the flush lever is not in use. (It should be attached to a metal lever or chain that links to the flush handle.) 3) Carefully press down on the rubber piece to ensure a secure seal. 

Step Three – You Should Tie Down the Float:       

This next step is also just an extra way you can make sure the water flow is completely stopped for the moment. To prevent water from flowing into the toilet tank, find the float cup or ball that regulates the water level in the tank. Once you pinpoint this float cup, immobilize it for the time being to make sure all water flow is temporarily cut off. 

Step Four – You Should Take Care of the Excess Water, Before Cleaning Up:      

Well done for stopping the water flow! Now, it’s crucial to begin the cleanup process. First and foremost, safety and hygiene are a priority. So, if you have gloves available, you will want to put them on before proceeding. Next, as the toilet is not currently draining, you will need to manually remove the excess water from the toilet bowl. You can use a bucket or container to scoop out the water and dump it into the bathtub or sink. 

Now, onto the floor! If there is any waste or debris that was strewn onto the floor, you will want to pick those up, placing the solids or waste in a garbage bag. (Just be sure to take out the trash immediately when all is said and done!) If you have a wet vacuum, use it to clean up the spilled water. Keep in mind that you want to clean the floors as soon as you can to prevent water damage. If you have solid floors, use towels, rags, a mop, or paper towels to clean up the overflow. However, to clean spills on carpeted areas, place towels over the spill and add weight to help absorb the liquid. Just be sure to give the towels ample time to soak up the water. Once the excess water has been cleaned up, you can disinfect the flooring as necessary. Don’t forget to also disinfect any other areas that came into contact with the toilet water as well. 

Step Five – You Should Resolve the Blockage:     

With everything now cleaned up, it is time to address that pesky clog! Grab your plunger and place the plunger over the drain in the bowl, ensuring it is completely covered by water. Then use the plunging motion to neutralize the clog and remove the blockage. The clog should now be nonexistent, and your toilet should once again be working again. But if the problem still persists, there could be a larger issue going on. At this point, it may be best to seek the assistance of a professional.  

If your toilet is indeed working again, don’t forget to readjust everything back to its original place, place the tank cover back on too, and also turn the toilet’s water supply back on! However, if you have attempted it several times without success, feel free to contact us for assistance. We are always available to help! 

Call Kettering Plumbing & Drain today at (937) 764-3788, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!