by Susan Denisi | Oct 1, 2024 | Clogged Toilet, Backup, Overflow, Plumbing & Drain, Plumbing Services, Plumbing Snake, Plumbing System, Water Damage
Clogged toilets are more than just a hassle; they can turn into a real nightmare. Nobody enjoys dealing with a clogged toilet. We’ve all been there—when you go to use the bathroom, flush the toilet, and instead of draining, the water starts to rise! What a...
by Susan Denisi | May 5, 2023 | Kettering, Clog, Drain, Float Cup, Ohio, Overflow, Plunger, Rubber Flapper, Tank, Tips and Tricks, Toilet Bowl, Water Damage, Water Source, Water Supply, Water Valve
Have you ever dealt with a clogged toilet right after using the bathroom? Chances are yes, as most of us have already experienced being in this situation. Although it’s a normal occurrence in the plumbing industry, it’s definitely not a pleasant one. So, what should...