by Susan Denisi | Apr 1, 2024 | Plumbing System, Clogs, Drain Cleaner, Flushable, Grease, Kettering, Maintenance, Ohio, Plumbing Care, Plumbing Tips
April Fool’s Day is celebrated with enthusiasm worldwide, though its exact origins remain a mystery. People from different corners of the globe eagerly participate in the fun-filled day, all for the sake of humor and joy. Hey, we are all for some well-intended...
by Susan Denisi | Feb 1, 2024 | Drain Maintenance, Chemicals, Clog Prevention, Clogs, Drain Cleaner, Drain Cleaning, Drain Screen, Garbage Disposal, Healthy Drains, Plumbing Care, Plumbing Practices, Plumbing System, Plumbing Tips
Clogged drains can be a major inconvenience, causing frustration and disruption. While drains are such a small component of your plumbing system, they play a crucial role! As a homeowner, it’s important to take care of your drains and keep them in good...