by Susan Denisi | Mar 1, 2024 | Plumbing System, Bathtubs, Downspouts, Garbage Disposal, Gutters, Indoor Drains, Inspection, Maintenance, Outdoor Drains, Problems, Season, Shower, Sink, Spring, Spring Preparation, Spring-ready, Springtime, Sump Pump, Toilet, Water Heater
With the onset of spring, attention naturally shifts towards the vibrant renewal of the season. For many homeowners, spring presents an optimal opportunity for cleaning. Whether it involves deep cleaning or tackling an organizational project that has lingered on your...
by Susan Denisi | Feb 15, 2024 | Winter, Basement, Clog, Discharge Pipe, Float Switch, Flooded, Frozen, Ice, Maintenance, Pump Motor, Snow, Sump Pump, Sump Pump Pit, Troubleshooting, Valve
Is your sump pump not working? With the recent weather, it’s not an uncommon occurrence. We all know that Ohio weather can bring its fair share of problems. With the snow melt and rain during the winter season, sump pump issues are quite common. And when your...
by Susan Denisi | Oct 15, 2023 | Fall, Basement Flooding, Checklist, Debris, Discharge Pipe, Drain Hose, Float Mechanism, Generator, Inlet Screen, Maintenance, Particles, Seasonal Preparation, Sump Pump, Sump Pump Pit
Sump pumps are vital year-round, but they assume an even more critical role during the fall and winter months, particularly in areas facing cold weather and snowfall, such as Ohio. To ensure the reliability of your sump pump, diligent care is essential. Here, your...
by Susan Denisi | Mar 1, 2023 | Spring, Faucet, Leak, Plumbing System, Seasonal Change, Shutoff Valve, Sink, Sprinkler, Sump Pump, Toilet, Transition, Water Hose
As the days turn warmer and the sun rises earlier, we know spring is right around the corner! For this reason, now’s a great time to get your plumbing system ready for all upcoming seasonal transformations. With these helpful tips from your Kettering Plumbing...
by Susan Denisi | Dec 1, 2022 | Emergency Plumber, Back Up, Clog, Damage, Frozen, Frozen Pipes, Indoor Pipes, Kettering, Kitchen Drain, Outdoor Drain, Outdoor Pipes, Plumbing Problems, Septic Tank, Sump Pump, Water Heater, Winter
Just as people have different reactions to cold weather, plumbing systems respond differently as well. And even if you take all the preventative measures possible, part of being a homeowner means understanding that there will always be an element of unpredictability...