by Susan Denisi | Dec 15, 2023 | Sink, Drain, Drain Pipe, Drain Stopper, Faucet, Grabber Claw, Magnetic Telescoping Wand, P-trap, Pivot Rod Arm, Water
Have you ever experienced the unfortunate event of losing a beloved ring, precious jewelry, or any other significant item down the sink drain? If so, you understand the distressing nature of such an incident. Perhaps this is the reason you stumbled upon this blog...
by Becca Agunga | Sep 9, 2022 | Kettering, Dayton, Filters, Hard Water, OH, Ohio, Plumbing Services, Water, Water Filtration, Water Purification, Water Softener
Many families ask, “Why do I need water filtration in my home?” Well, to answer that question, it’s to make sure the water that is supplied to your home is safe for you and your family for drinking, cooking, cleaning, and showering. So, something as...