It’s inevitable. A homeowner’s maintenance lists never seem to end. We are in the middle of the fall season but don’t blink, or you’ll miss it. And winter will be here before you have a chance to complete your bucket list of fall festivities! But don’t forget; amidst your fun-filled fall calendar, be sure to take advantage of the weather currently being ideal – meaning it is not too hot or too cold. Doing so will help guarantee your plumbing is set up for success during the cold winter. Here are some things to check for your Kettering Plumbing & Drain professionals as you go through our fall plumbing maintenance checklist. 


Inspect Your Faucets: Checklist Item Number 1 

The first thing to inspect on your fall plumbing maintenance checklist is your faucets. You want to make sure there are no drips or leaks that need to be addressed. Often, faucet drips or small leaks are left to continue as many do not believe it to be a significant issue. And while this is true, it’s important to know that smaller issues can turn into bigger problems down the road – most especially in the dead of winter when water tends to freeze. This is why your Kettering Plumbing & Drain professionals stress the importance of preventative maintenance. For this reason, should you have a sink or two with a leaky or dripping faucet, be sure to have it fixed before winter comes around. 

Inspect Your Pipes: Checklist Item Number 2 

A second tip is that you should have your exposed pipes wrapped in pipe insulation. This will keep them from freezing and bursting in frigid temperatures. Bear in mind that pipe insulation kits can be obtained from your local home improvement store. In addition, they are pretty affordable. So, if you do have exposed pipes positioned in an open area of your house, such as a basement, garage, or crawlspace, the pipes will be more vulnerable to bursting if they were to reach a freezing point.  

Inspect Your Water Heater: Checklist Item Number 3 

In the winter, your water heater will likely work even harder as it has to combat the winter temperatures. Because of this, it is suggested homeowners have their water heaters serviced once every year. Therefore, if you haven’t had your water heater serviced this year yet, don’t postpone it any further. Call us today to have an appointment scheduled. A licensed plumber should perform a detailed inspection of your water heater to ensure that all is in smooth working order for the upcoming season.  

Inspect Your Sump Pump: Checklist Item Number 4 

Next up – sump pumps! Your sump pump is a significant component in your plumbing system. And therefore, it needs to be taken care of regularly. Unluckily enough, sump pumps often freeze up in the wintertime. This can occur when a relentless storm passes through or temperatures drop immensely. So, it’s best to think ahead and make sure your pump is clean and set up to succeed as much as possible. Perform a quick inspection of your sump pump to see if it needs cleaning. You can also schedule an appointment with us. Feel free to call us if you have any concerns!   

Inspect Your Gutters: Checklist Item Number 5 

Number five – think about your gutters! They are absolute magnets attracting fallen leaves and other particles of nature in the fall. Fall foliage is plenteous right now. So, it easily builds up rather swiftly inside your gutters and drains, which in return creates a dam obstructing your gutters from performing their purpose! And although they are fall leaves that are fun to look at, they are not-so-fun when they build up as unruly piles of muck within your gutters. In addition, this unwelcome pile of sludge will produce foul smells and can also cause overflowing of your gutters when it rains (or snows). So, we strongly recommend staying steps ahead and having your gutters cleaned at least once this month or the next. 

Inspect Your Garden Hose: Checklist Item Number 6 

And last of all, let’s go over the garden hose.  Often overlooked, the garden hose tends to be forgotten by homeowners amongst all the other lawn tools that need to be put up for the season. But it’s important to remember that if a hose is left outdoors in the winter, water that is left inside may freeze first and then expand, which could cause unpleasant plumbing problems if they remain attached to your outdoor plumbing fixtures. In return, something as simple as forgetting to properly store your garden hose can result in an unwelcome plumbing catastrophe. 

If you are in need of a local plumber you can trust, take a chance on Kettering Plumbing & Drain. It would be a pleasure to serve you, your home, and your family! You can reach us at (937) 764-3788 or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!